Debt Management Plan (DMP)
Are you annoyed and frustrated at your debt load?
Are you sick of living from payday to payday just to cover all those payments and having nothing left for yourself?
Then get rid of them!
Ditch your debt for good in less than a week with our Debt Management Plan (DMP).
Debt Management Plan (DMP) – Who is this for?
A debt management plan, or DMP, is for those who are frustrated each month for not having enough money left till the end of the month and who are not able to meet all their debt payments.
How does it work? We will arrange and set up a debt management plan designed especially for you. We will draw up a proposal for your creditors, arranging with them to accept reduced payments. We will also ask for interest and any unnecessary charges to be ceased.
We do not charge upfront fees. We do charge a monthly fee for arranging and managing your debt management plan. This fee is included in the monthly instalment that we quote you. That means you pay one amount based on what you can afford, and our fee is included in that amount. Nothing more.
The key to the success of any debt management plan is that you only pay what you can afford and, as your situation improves, you pay the debt off as soon as you can.
If you instruct us to arrange a DMP for you we will make sure you have a reasonable amount of money to live on, so that you can keep up with all your essential monthly living expenses, while we clear your debts as quickly as possible.
Please note that a DMP will take longer to repay debts as you will be paying less than you should each month. However, as and when you have extra cash from a bonus, salary increase etc you may pay some into any account in order to settle the debt sooner.
Will the DMP have any effect on your credit profile? Yes, it can as your creditors can list you as a slow payer.
If and when your circumstances improve, and you can once again manage your own debt payments, you merely cancel with us and carry on where you left off.
The idea is to give you breathing space without having to go under debt review, no court orders, no fixed contract, no credit bureau listing by us. In other words, the ideal debt solution.
We have a strong legal backing, so if any debt collector tries to take action against you for whatever reason, our legal department will step in and handle the problem.
Our online Debt Management Programme tool is free and confidential, offering you online debt help, advice and support when you need it most.
If you would prefer to talk to us in confidence, call us on 012 991 0166 and we will call you back.
Or complete the form on the right and we will call you.